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Leo Herrera, a NYC-based visual artist, filmmaker, writer and advocate with a focus on cataloging and presenting gay history, today announced his latest work “3 ERAS of GAY SEX in 3 Minutes” an original piece illustrating 3 generations of gay sex in three-minutes, featuring Pre-Stonewall cruising 1970’s/80’s Leather BDS&M and Present Day App usage, filmed in NYC and San Francisco. “3 ERAS of GAY SEX in 3 Minutes”– Viral Valentine Film Celebrates The History and Power of Gay Sex, Fetish & CruisingĪn Original Three-minute Film by Leo Herrera Visually Spans The History of Homosensual Communication from Pre-Stonewall to Present Day “3 Eras of Gay Sex in 3 Mins” Film by Leo Herrera from Herrera Images on Vimeo.

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